Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Had a shitty day. Still no offers to hire me. Did like one commission for 30 bucks the other day. Not much, but at least it was something. Getting married at the end of the month. Won't have internet access till I get to a Starbucks, so sorry in advance if I take awhile to get back to anyone, or the lateness in updating. Ran into an internet asshole today. Some thug wanna be prick trying to be hard over the internet. Ignorant pricks like that get on my fuckin' nerves. I'm pissed more at myself for not being able to ignore his bullshit. 10 mins I could have spent working on improving my perspective drawing from my new book. Looking forward to my break from the internet. At least I'll be able to draw with no distractions. Maybe I'll get Volume 2 of Eternal done faster. Still working on Volume One. Trying to take some inking advice this editor from Otaku USA gave me. I have samples of that on my site 1000 Degrees. Did I mention that I have a new site? Here it is---->

Thanks for reading. Peace.-GIO

Friday, June 5, 2009

New sketches from my new sketchbook-GIO

Finally ran out of my sketchbook. Got a new one. These are from my new sketchbook :D-GIO

click to get a better view.

The Shadow Chaser CG-GIO

Traded this for link space to my manga Eternal on superhero novelist Randy Belaire's site for his book The Shadow Chaser. I was going to do just a frontal shot with his arm up with clutched fingers, but I figured I could do something more exciting. I don't like boring stuff. And I don't want anyone thinking that abuout my stuff. Yknow, a total snore fest lol. So, taking into account he's got a martial arts background, I drew him doing this:

Extreme shot of him doing a jumpkick towards the screen. :) Click to enlarge and see the full view. Also, this is high res, so you can download this and print it if you like. Enjoy the freebie! One! :D-GIO

Thursday, June 4, 2009

"Bill" Kill-ed himself?! -the hell man?!-GIO

David Caradine hung himself a few days ago. Damn that's just some crazy shit man. He was a really talented actor man. Just read about it on the net. In Bangkok too. Concidering how the movie that he broke into the film industry with, the location of his suicide is sort of ironic, it being an Asian country and all ( If you don't know, Kung Fu back in the 70's launched his career) Kill Bill was a tight movie too. Really glad Tarentino put him in that movie. He made a really kick ass bad guy. He had his own cool calm peronality to him in that role, yet lethal and ruthless beneath the surface. Those are always the most impactful villians to me. I don't really see anyone else playing that role of Bill.

R.I.P. David Caradine, coolest kat I ever seen on film man. One.-GIO

Setting up to launch an all out assault-GIO

I've got a few things to do before I can start my "assault" ( promoting campaign)

1. Finish up this CG for my writer friend Randy so he can put links to Eternal on his book's site.
2. Finish the last two pages of Eternal ( coloring them)
3. Color the other 2 page spreads in Eternal
4. color the CG extras in my upcoming printed book. Including Character Sheets

That's all for the book! 4 things. And with my new way of CGing, it shouldn't take me too long to do them.

When I finish the book, I should have 3dStudio Max 2010 by then. With my modeling knowledge I gained few years ago when I was trying to make a game, I should be able to model characters and backgrounds for promotional videos of key moments in my series.
These moments include:

Not in this order.
1. Banta Hue's overthrowing Omnigon Illuminati's Council 6
2. Chester Cheshir Ramin's side story preview
3. Giovanni Gonzalez/ Neoreign side story preview
4. Beginning of Session 2 explaining T.E.A. ( Trigger Effect Ability)

I'm only showing glimpes of the best parts of Eternal. I'm not going to give anything else away.

I haven't modeled in awhile, but the last time I started modeling in Silo, I could see my modeling improved alot, due to my newly gained knowledge of proportion and anatomy. Modeling is actually pretty easy once you get used to 3d Max's UI. It's just REAAALLY time comsuming. Especially bone rigging.

One set back I have is I don't have one of those motion capture suits like all those really good 3d movies have lol But it's still possible to mimic natural movement with enough trial and error. ( ALOT of trial and error actually) So it won't be so bad. I think I did UVW Unwrapping like once on Blender, so I have alittle bit of an idea on how texturing can be done on 3ds Max. I'll be making textures in GIMP, my new favorite Free program to be using.

I have no new pictures to put up.

Let me see, anything else new? Oh yeah, I still can't get the hang of advanced perspective. It's really distressing. Whatever. Since I know how to make backgrounds in 3dSmax, I might just screen capture a render and use that for Eternal and just draw the characters. Not sure. My coloring is better than my inking I've been told, so i might just CG color Eternal after this book. Not sure. Anyways, that's all for now. One!-GIO

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Scratching a few backs :D-GIO

Been doing a few sketches for a few writers on on Facebook. I did this one for Calvin Daniels in return for his offering to review Eternal when it comes out to print on his site:

I actually uploaded this as a high res CG, so you can actually download this and get it printed out if you like :D Depending on my responses to this, I might and might not upload a highres version of future CGs for download. So if you do download this please let me know so I know I'm not wasting my time offering.

Also doing this for another novelist:

I always wanted to try this angle, and since this hero has a sort of ancient martial arts background, this pose is perfect for him :D

That's all for now, still taking things slow. Found my original file on .hack GU today! Level 38 now instead of Level 6! lol The file was right above the file I clicked on yesterday. Overwrote that last file. That was actually the file this Thaiwanese chick created when she came over on a date with me. I've got Rina now, and she chose to continue her little affair with that overwieght 40 year old unfaithful mexican prick. Whatvever. I'm getting married to an amazing woman right now. Her loss, my gain :D So not only did I replace her game, I've also replaced her. :) lol Gotta appreciate the symbolism there man! LOL!

Anywho, that's all for now. I'll probably practice alittle more perspective views from those Loomis printouts today while I watch some South Park tonight. Stay cool everybody. One! :D-GIO

PS.- these pics i put up are just thumbnails, to get a better view, click on them. :D Thanks!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Step back-GIO

Today I took a step back. Chilled alittle bit. Got up, talked to my girl Rina on the phone for awhile. Checked my email, then turned off my wifi. Put my favorite anime Rhaxhephon into my PS2 to watch and watched those episodes I haven't been able to watch. Drawing Eternal has been all I've been doing. Listening to my girl and my friend Juan's advice and just taking shit slow and just pacing myself. Juan told me I'd burn out, and yesterday, I burned out bigtime. Today was me time.

After I saw Rhaxephon ( really cool anime, you guys should defenitly go check that one out. :)) I spent all day getting into .Hack GU for my PS2. I actually some of my save data on there, so I've been trying to catch up to where I wsa before. My Avatar robot hasn't even awakened yet. Got a long way to go before I catch up. Really want to beat that game. Haven't beaten a video game in years. I used to be the shit. Not sure if alot of people brag about that lol

I had alot of fun playing .Hack GU today. Lots of really cool games coming up on thesse next gen consoles. Sort of broke right now, so I dont' really see myself getting a PS3 or even a Wii anytime soon. It's cool. My PS2 is good enough for me :)

Around 9 oclock I saved ( yeah I made damned sure i saved this time lol) and turned on Comedy Central to watch some Futurama and South Park. They really need to make some new Futurama episodes. I really dig that show. Around the time South Park rolled around, I took out my sketchbook, and took out the Loomis Point of View printouts i made the other day, and sketched this:

I made even spaces on each side of the page and place each POV thing on the verticle line. I'm not sure if that's how I'm supposed to be doing that. Looks about right to me, but that's just me, and sometimes I'm wrong. Also, I have these last two pages to Eternal:

These are going to be full color in print. If you want to see these pics bigger btw, please click them. Plus I get paid when you do click them and enlarge them. So yeah, if you do click them, thanks in advance, you're actually helping a starving artist get alittle dough just by looking at something. So thanks :)

Oh and that goes for all those pages you see below too for Eternal.

Anywho, that's all for now. I think I have work in the morning with my pops. So I probably should hit the sack soon. Catch you guys later. One. :)-GIO

Monday, June 1, 2009

Three new pages. Reads Right to left. Peace-GIO

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Get caught up on the Eternal saga! :D-GIO

Here are all the pages of the online version of my manga Eteranl over the past 2 and a half years. It reads right to left. The first two chapters were done 2 and a half years ago, and I spent a good year redoing them before I finally moved on. Session 3 and up gets progressively better artwise. To get the whole story, you should read it all the way through, me and a few other people, including an editor from Viz, think it's a good story and worth reading. :) I'll keep this blog updated with new pages as I do them :) :